Tuesday, November 27, 2012


An interview with Emily Waszak of WAYO
ELF:  What got you started crafting/creating?
Emily:  When I was in the 2nd grade I begged my mother for a pair of JAMS, but she said no because they were too expensive. Instead, she took me to Piece Goods (remember that store?) and we bought some fabric and a pattern and she helped me sew my very first garment. I've pretty much been sewing ever since.

ELF:  How long have you been crafting/creating?
Emily:  Since 2nd grade. I really got into sewing when I was in Jr. High and High School. I used to make my clothes. I also, I am slightly embarrassed to admit, used to make dresses and hippie shirts and sell them at Grateful Dead shows.

ELF:  Where did your brand name come from?
Emily:  WAYO (pronounced WAH-YOH) comes from the Japanese word, wayosecchu, which means a blending of Japanese and Western styles.

ELF:  What aspect of the ELF Fair are you most excited about?
Emily:  Seeing what everyone else has been making!

ELF:  Do you have a favorite crafting or art website or blog?  
Emily:  Purl Soho is one of my favorite shops in NYC. Their blog is super inspiring. http://www.purlbee.com/
Also, I really like to quilt. The Modern Quilt Guild blog is great for inspiration. Plus, one of my quilt blocks was featured on the site!  http://themodernquiltguild.com/

You can check out more of Emily's goods at  

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